Antioch Painters

Here at Nashville Painters, we pride ourselves in providing you with the best quality painting services in Antioch, TN. Being local to Nashville and Antioch, it’s important to us that our friends and neighbors get top quality service at a reasonable price. Your home improvement project is our top priority! With that being said, take a look at what our Antioch painters can do for you.


Professional Antioch Paint Contractors
(615) 433-5455



Residential Painting Antioch TN


The Antioch painters that we work with are top notch and can handle all aspects of residential painting. Whether it’s your home interior that needs painting work, you need exterior painting for your house, or even if you’re in need of painting for your deck or fence, our professional painters are ready and available for you. Here’s a few details on some of the different types of work that our Nashville Painters will do for you.


Kitchen Painting in Antioch


Kitchen Painting Antioch TNYour kitchen can be one of the most visually appealing rooms in your home, and it can be one of the biggest eyesores in your home. When people take an interest in buying a home, one of the most important rooms is going to be the kitchen. When you have company over, the kitchen is often times passed through and sometimes even an area where people enjoy spending time socializing. Having a well painted kitchen can make a big difference in your Antioch home.


Our professional Antioch painters have a knack for kitchen painting, and they can even help give you a few tips on your remodel if needed. Whether you’re faced with an outdated wallpaper that was left in your kitchen, you’ve got burns or grease marks, or even if paint is bubbling peeling off, the professional painters we work with are fully equipped and skilled to take care of your house painting needs!


Bathroom Painting and Remodel

Bathroom Painting Antioch TNNext to the kitchen, your bathrooms play a big role in the value and appearance of your home. Unfortunately bathrooms often fall victim to mold, cracks and bubbling due to the fact that moisture is constantly being trapped in the area. Steam from your shower can turn your bathroom from brand new to hideous over time. However our expert paint contractors will happily recommend a paint that will withstand the toughest conditions so that your bathroom paint will last you much longer and maintain its beauty.

If you have any questions about the types of paint to use, color or wall repair, please contact us right away. Our guys would be happy to answer any and all of your questions and concerns regarding your house painting project.


Bedroom Painting and Makeover

Bedroom paint contractorsYour bedroom is one of the most important rooms of your Antioch home. The reason being that it’s where you go to for comfort and relaxation. When you need rest and sleep, it’s your bedroom that you turn to. Don’t let your bedroom leave you feeling uneasy. Holes in the walls, past paint errors that show, filthy baseboards and much more can all tie up your attention and leave you feeling uncomfortable in your home.

The Antioch paint contractors that we work with are among the very best when it comes to competence and accuracy in providing painting services. We understand the need for a great looking home, whether it be for the purpose of selling that home or for the purpose of maintaining it. Give us a call or fill out our painting estimate form.


Antioch Home Exterior Painting

Antioch PainterAntioch has been known for years for its gorgeous homes. We pride ourselves in keeping the city of Antioch beautiful by maintaining the homes that its known for. Don’t ever let your home become an eyesore due to paint chipping or peeling off your home. Give us a call today and let us get it fixed up for you!

If you’re just unsatisfied with the color of your home, give us a call and we’ll be happy to take a look. The exterior of your home is the first impression people get when they see it. Make that first impression something that you really want to make. Our skilled Antioch painters are ready to paint your home exterior!


Deck and Fence Painting in Antioch

Deck Painting AntiochHave a deck or fence that needs painting? Similar to the exterior of your home, your deck and fence are exposed to harsh weather conditions on a regular basis. This can bring about significant damage and can strip away at paint over time, leaving you with house that looks unkempt. Whether you just need your deck painted, or if you have a wood fence that you’d like touched up, give us a call and we’ll take a look! The Antioch painters that we work with will be glad to restore the beauty of your Antioch home!